Almost 500 families in Chernihiv received food kits as part of the humanitarian project of CAMZ

Almost 500 families in Chernihiv received food kits as part of the humanitarian project of CAMZ


Our project "Improving the Protection of Children in Emergencies in Ukraine by Providing Safe Shelters, Food and Non-Food Items, and Psychosocial Support" is ongoing, with one of its areas of focus being support for war-affected civilians, large families and other vulnerable groups.

In September and October, nearly 500 families with children currently living in Chernihiv received the food kits. Our partners from the Charity Foundation "The Unity of Chernihiv" – concerned citizens of Chernihiv, who have been supporting the affected civilians since the de-occupation of the region, helping to restore damaged housing, etc., have been directly involved in the organization of the humanitarian aid. 

Since June 2023, as part of a project with the support of "terre des hommes Deutschland e.V." and funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya has provided food to more than 4,000 families in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kirovohrad, and Zakarpattia regions. The work continues.

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