Donated equipment for children’s hospital in Uzhhorod

Donated equipment for children’s hospital in Uzhhorod


With the support of "terre des hommes Deutschland e.V." and funding from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, we continue to implement the project "Improving the Protection of Children in Emergencies in Ukraine by Providing Safe Shelters, Food and Non-Food Items, and Psychosocial Support". As part of the project to improve the material and technical condition of Ukrainian healthcare facilities, the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya donated two modern electrocardiographs to the Uzhhorod City Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Uzhhorod City Council.

Recording an electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important element of the examination of patients with various pediatric diseases, including those without clinical signs of heart disease. The medical institution provides care for children from birth to 18 years of age. A pediatrician prescribes an ECG for children in cases of dizziness, loss of consciousness, irregular heartbeat, rapid fatigue, and other conditions. That is why it is so important to be able to examine the heart function with an ECG. The resulting cardiographs allow high-quality and fast collection and calculation of ECG data on one and six channels at once. The device is capable of recording patient data, a list of all ECG conditions, ECG measurement results, averaged complexes with marks, and interpretive messages. According to doctors, electrocardiographs are equipment that is in daily use.

As a reminder, within the framework of this project, the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya has already donated injection ports for children with diabetes to the Uzhhorod Children’s Hospital. Also, healthcare institutions in Rakhiv, Uzhhorod, and Mukachevo in Zakarpattia, as well as in Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kherson, Donetsk, and Kharkiv regions, received assistance in the form of medicines, medical equipment, and consumables.


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